The Garden Program



The Washington Edible Education Garden strengthens our community as it enhances academic achievement, promotes physical and emotional health, encourages organic and sustainable practices, and cultivates empathy for people and the planet.


Outdoor Classroom

All classes have regularly scheduled garden time throughout the 36 weeks of the school calendar. The garden is used as a living laboratory where students are taught the Core Curriculum and environmental literacy concepts through hands-on project-based learning. Lessons include such things as soil science, beneficial insects, nutritional benefits of eating garden produce, eco-systems, plant life cycle, photosynthesis, environmental conservation, garden art and so forth.

Recess in the Garden 

Students voluntarily participate in supervised and structured garden activities during their morning recesses. Students have the opportunity to plant seeds to take home or leave in the garden, dig in the dirt, color what they see in the garden, water plants, pull weeds, collect critters, observe various aspects of nature or just be quiet and read a book.

Intern and Volunteer Coordination

The garden coordinator supervises and coordinates volunteers and college interns who design, cultivate and maintain the two gardens at Washington (Kinder yard and Main yard gardens), to ensure its up keep, supply materials, and grow the food that is shared with students during their class time.


ALL students at Washington receive the Outdoor Classroom services, 1st-6th grade can also participate in the Recess in the Garden service.

  • On average 170 students participate in Recess in the Garden each week.
  • On average 7 classes have ‘Outdoor Classroom” each week (approx. 180 students).