Advocate. Educate. Elevate.
The mission of the Washington Elementary PTA is to advocate, educate, and elevate our children. Please check out our website and Facebook page for the most up to date information about Washington Elementary. PTA meetings are held on the third Tuesday of most months during the school year.
Your membership makes a difference!
One of the best ways to stay involved in your child’s school experience, is to join the PTA.
School Wide PTA Membership 2023
You belong in the PTA!
Everyone—parents, educators, students and other citizens active in their schools and communities—is invited to join our not-for-profit parent association.
The number one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school.

Washington Elementary PTA
Washington is a Dual Language Immersion (Spanish/English) school serving Kinder - 6th grade.