There are many ways to support our school, from swiping your Target card every time you shop to joining to PTA and serving on a committee. Every little bit of participation helpst the children of our great school.
The PTA is always looking for volunteers to help out with a variety of activities through out the school year. We do many events where we need “all hands on deck” to be successful. If you feel so moved to help out at our next event, please contact our secretary at
Corporate Matching
Bay Area Companies that match employee donations
To our knowledge, the following local companies offer a matching gift when their employees make a personal donation to a nonprofit organization. This means that your employer may be willing to match all or part of your donation amount with its own donation to the Washington PTA.
A “matching gift” is a donation made by a corporation or foundation on behalf of an employee that matches employee’s contribution to a nonprofit organization. This can double, triple, or even quadruple you contribution! Contact your Human Resources department for more information. Also, please let us know if you are aware of additional companies that do matching gifts not listed on our list.
CLICK HERE to view the list (Adobe PDF format)
Amazon Smile: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. To sign up, visit
Escrips: register your debit or credit cards and a portion of all eligible purchases go to Washington. To sign up, visit
SHARES: Swipe your SHARES card at Lucky Stores or Food Maxx. A percentage goes directly to our school. Obtain a card at the next PTA meeting.
French Toast: When stocking up on uniforms, be sure to shop at They’ll give 5% to our school
Box Tops: Clip and collect Box Tops for Education off of participating products at the grocery store. Each box top is worth $.10. Last year we collected $750 in Box Tops! There is a drop box in the office or send to school with your student. For more information, please visit
Open Positions
Program Coordinator
The PTA program chairman works with a committee and with other chairmen to plan the year’s complete PTA program, which may include parent education, health/safety presentations, study groups, special events and student activities. The program chairman is responsible for preparing a schedule of programs and other PTA-related information that, after adoption by the association, is distributed to all of the students’ families.