We are so excited to announce that our school will be participating in the Apex Fun Run this year as our major spring fundraiser! The Apex program will be with our students in February teaching leadership and fitness as we raise pledges to help our school. Please look in your child’s folder and check emails/flyers that will be sent by your teacher as the Fun Run draws near.
Please visit www.apexfunrun.com to learn about this interactive program that helps schools all over the country raise money, while promoting leadership and fitness. This year’s theme is Dream Team, where students will join Johnny Dreamer and the Apex team in an exciting journey to learn what it means to become a Dream Team Leader! Daily themes include:
- Dive In!
- Resourceful!
- Elevate Others!
- Attitude Check!
- Make A Difference!
The Apex Fun Run, challenges students to get pledges for the laps they run/walk. Students will run/walk for 30 minutes and will average 26-36 laps; the maximum amount of laps is 36 (each lap is 1/16th of a mile). Sponsors can pledge $1/lap, $2/lap, $5/lap, or any amount they can. All participants will receive an access code that allows you to enter pledges online. All students will receive Apex bands, race-day lap counters, and team awards. We will need your help in the following four ways:
- Help connect your child to sponsors and help them get pledges from family, friends and contacts.
- Ask your child about the “Apex Dream Team” character lessons, and download the “Apex Fun Run” App.
- Come to the Apex Fun Run and don’t forget to invite others to attend our fun-filled community event.
- Help volunteer for the race! We need a few parents to help cheer on students, mark laps and hand out goodies. If you would like to volunteer for your student’s race, please contact washpta@gmail.com and let us know how you would like to participate.
The Apex Fun Run is for EVERY student regardless of financial giving! We invite ALL parents to come cheer the students on during our Apex Fun Run held on the school yard. Here is the schedule:
Fun Run 1: 9:00am Grades – AM Kinder – 1st – SH/NSH
Fun Run 2: 10:00am Grades – 2nd & 6th
Fun Run 3: 11:00am Grades – 4th & 5th
Fun Run 4: 12:00pm Grades – PM kinder
Thank you again for supporting Washington Elementary; we are excited to begin this journey with you!