International Fair – Postponed due to District Closure
The much anticipated 11th Annual International Fair & Fundraiser is scheduled for a Friday in 2020 from 6:00-8:30 pm in the Washington Elementary Multi-Purpose Room. At this event, multiple classrooms will represent a country with a “booth” detailing information, crafts and in some cases delicious food samplings. There will also be many fantastic prizes available through both raffle and silent auction.
This year, we are also planning to have multiple food vendors to keep you nourished throughout your global journey. This event is driven by both PTA volunteers and the outside businesses that support the fundraising portion of event.
Over the past few years, we have earned over $25,000 per event. And this year we hope to exceed it! So please reach out to your contacts, businesses and even your local vendors you see every day. There is a downloadable donation request letter below to aid both you and your supporter in offering their tax-deductible donation. Please also watch for future student ticket sales. Fore more information about how to participate and donate, please contact us. We look forward to seeing you all at this wonderful community event!